P. 53

Cedar Tree

              Imagine  a  living  being  that  has  witnessed  the  rise   This vessel, too, was constructed from cedarwood. As a
            and  fall  of  the  Roman  Empire,  the  Byzantine  Empi-  result, cedar timber was as valuable in antiquity as oil
            re, the Seljuk Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. It has   is today. Countries with cedar forests had the potential
            even seen the birth of the Republic of Türkiye and its   to dominate the Mediterranean. Roman general Marcus
            development to this day. In this photograph, you see a   Antonius gifted the ancient Olba Region, exceptionally
            2000-year-old  cedar  tree  alongside  a  40-year-old  hu-  rich in cedar forests, to his lover Cleopatra to strengt-
            man, a mere blip in the tree's millennia-long existence.  hen the Egyptian navy. Due to the immense value of
                                                              cedarwood, it became the first living species for which
              One can only imagine the countless winters and sum-  a nature protection law was enacted worldwide.
            mers this cedar tree has witnessed. The tales of love,
            war,  and  intrigue  it  has  silently  observed  are  beyond   Cedar trees are a species capable of thriving at elevati-
            comprehension. It is for this reason that people throu-  ons above 1,000 meters, forming vast cedar forests that
            ghout  history  have  held  such  deep  respect  for  these   blanket mountain peaks. How did ancient civilizations
            ancient trees, often perceiving them as immortal bein-  transport these towering trees from high mountain sum-
            gs. Across the ages, they have imbued these venerable   mits to the coastline under the conditions of that era?
            trees with profound meaning, weaving countless stories
            around their enduring presence.                     During those times, rivers served as a primary mode
                                                              of transportation. People would fell cedar trees and cast
              If we were to board a time machine and travel back to   them into rivers, allowing the current to carry the logs
            those periods, we would see numerous ships along the   downstream, where they would be collected at the sho-
            Mediterranean coast. Commerce in those days was pri-  res. These logs would then be transported by ships to
            marily conducted by sea, with vessels navigating along   shipyards, where they were transformed into seafaring
            the coastal routes. For instance, a ship departing from   vessels.
            Egypt would traverse the entire Middle East and Me-
            diterranean coast, making port calls at various harbors.   The bond between humans and cedar trees extended
            It would unload cargo at some ports and take on new   far beyond mere utility. Cedar forests were revered as
            cargo at others, thus contributing to the vibrant mariti-  sacred  spaces.  In  ancient  times,  people  would  gather
            me trade in the Mediterranean. Ships in those days were   beneath cedar trees for meaningful conversations, and
            constructed from wood, with the most durable ones be-  they planted these revered cedars as markers on their
            ing crafted from cedarwood. This is because cedar tre-  gravesites.  Cedar  is  also  recognized  as  a  tree  with  a
            es possess exceptional resistance to moisture and have   high fragrance energy. Among the Hittites, cedar was
            long, branchless trunks.                          considered sacred, and incense made from cedarwood
                                                              was burned in their temples. The immense value of ce-
              The Uluburun Shipwreck, the world's oldest shipwre-  darwood led to conflicts between ancient superpowers,
            ck, has remarkably remained intact at the bottom of the   with wars erupting over the control of cedar forests.
            sea off the coast of Kaş for approximately 3,300 years.


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