P. 29


              River Gods

                The Taurus Mountains give birth to many streams.  nish them with floods when enraged led to the worship
              These streams trickle down the slopes, accumulate in  of many rivers as deities and their designation as gods
              canyons, and form rivers. Interacting with the karstic  in antiquity.
              structure of the Taurus Mountains, these rivers incorpo-
              rate  the  stunning  hues  of  blue,  flowing  swiftly  as  if   Many  important  ancient  cities  that  have  survived
              eager to reach the sea. Upon reaching the plains, they  to this day were settlements established around large
              deposit alluvium and form small meanders.     rivers known by the names of gods. For instance, the
                                                            Aksu River near Perge Ancient City was known as the
                Since ancient times, agriculture has been practiced in  God Kestros, while the Köprüçay River flowing near
              these fertile plains formed by the alluvial deposits of  Aspendos Ancient City was called the God Eurymedon.
              rivers that originate from the Taurus Mountains. Rivers  The Manavgat River, which forms the ecological com-
              provide a remarkable biological diversity in these lan-  ponent of Side Ancient City and flows near the city, was
              ds, offering immense wealth for both agriculture and  known as the God Melas. These ancient cities flouris-
              hunting-gathering. The rivers' life-giving presence over  hed due to their wealth on fertile lands and inspired the
              centuries,  occasionally  causing  disasters  through  flo-  creation of works of art. The vast majority of the works
              ods, has impacted humans. The perception that rivers  exhibited in Antalya Museum today come from these
              reward humans with their bounty in good times but pu-  great ancient cities.

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