P. 103

Cüce Zıpzıp

             (Gegenes pumilio)

               Ön  kanatlarının sivri  uçları  ve  köşeli  arka  kanat-
             ları ile küçük boyutlu bir kelebek olan Cüce Zıpzıp,
             erkeklerde koyu çikolata renkli kanat üst yüzeyiyle,
             dişilerde  ise  daha  açık  tonlarda  ve  silik  beneklerle
             farklılık gösterir. Bu tür, Nisan’dan Kasım’a kadar,
             otel çevresindeki nemli alanlarda daha nadir olarak

 Beyaz Çilli Kara   Millet Skipper

 Zıpzıp    (Pelopidas thrax)

 (Pelopidas thrax)
                                                                      Pigmy Skipper

                                                                           (Gegenes pumilio)
 Beyaz  benekli  orta  dış  bantlarıyla  dikkat  çeken   The  white  spots  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  fo-
 Beyaz Çilli Kara Zıpzıp, Türkiye’nin Akdeniz sahil-  rewing form a curved middle outer band. There is no
 lerinde çok yaygındır. Hızlı uçuşuyla tanınan bu tür,   visually obvious difference between male and fema-  It is a very small type of skipper with a very pointed front wing apex
 Mayıs’tan Kasım’a kadar, otel çevresindeki nemli ve   le. It is a species native to the Mediterranean coast   and angular hindwing. In the male, the upper surface of the wings is
 çiçekli alanlarda sıkça bulunur.  of Turkey and flies very fast. It can be seen between   dark chocolate color. The female has a few faint spots on the upper
 May and November. It is often found in the humid   face of the lighter brown forewing. Both males and females have a
 and flowering areas around our hotel, especially in   mid-band line consisting of faint spots on the pale greyish-brown un-
 autumn.                                           derside of both wings. It flies up to an altitude of 1800 m. Although
                                                   it flies in the same areas as Mediterranean Skipper, it is rarer and
                                                   generally prefers moist areas around hotel. It can be seen from April
                                                   to November.

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